About the artist…

My name is Ayda Marina Fisher. I was born in Chattanooga, TN to an American father and a Colombian mother. My abuela inspired me from a young age to chase after the arts. She was always embroidering, knitting, or sewing something new. I quickly learned I had no talent with a needle, but I adored drawing and sculpting. As I grew up, I never once let go of my dream of becoming an artist. I studied graphic design, photography, videography, and stagecraft — if it meant I was creating something, I was happy.

But pottery? Pottery just fell into my life. When I studied abroad in Japan, I opted to take a pottery elective. I have no true interest in it and thought it would just be a fun, new challenge. The next thing I knew, I was elbow-deep in clay while being critiqued by a sensei whose predominant form of communication was nods and the occasional grunt of disapproval.

And I fell in love!

Thankfully, I've found a phenomenal community studio back here in the U.S. filled with other artists willing to share their space and knowledge with everyone around them. I find I make progress every time I tackle a new challenge, and I can’t wait to see what the future holds!